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Our Tweenie Room is for children aged 18 to 30 months (approx according to individual needs). There is one Room Leader, nursery nurses  and an apprentice who work in this room. Our high ratio of staff to children ensures that your child receives plenty of individual attention, stimulation and care. The room is designed specifically for older babies who are able to walk, with age appropriate equipment and resources to support their development and learning. 

A routine is established in this room in preparation for their journey through the nursery. We have a daily timetable which consists of meal times, free play, adult-led activities and circle time.  We support our children with learning new skills such as independance, language, communication, self care and listening and attention.  We introduce self hand washing (with support), encouraging self feeding and table manners as well as toilet training. 

Staff will update you via our ParentZone app throughout the day showing the number and times of sleeps, changes and meals along with photos of the activities that your child enjoyed throughout the day, this will also include any milestones met in your child's development. Upon collection, your child's Key-worker will also share this with you.


The Tweenie Room provides mats for sleeping, a specific area for dining, a separate changing area with toilets and hand wash basins to support toilet training as well as plenty of space to play. Our bright environment is set into areas, taking into account the Children's interests to provide a stimulating place to learn, explore independently and experience new activities and topics.


We have a fantastic shared outdoor play area with the Baby room which has been designed to allow Babies and Tweenies to play securely and safely in an open environment. The ground covering consists of rubber matting and lawn. There is a range of activities including slides, climbing cubes, messy play trays, trikes, tunnels and much more, all encouraging physical development particularly in the large motor skills. 

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