At Dots 'n' Spots our aim is to provide a flexible childcare service that meets the needs of all families and children. We feel that it is vital for all children to develop positively; this is achieved through our Key-worker system and individual planning. The environment will be free from discrimination and prejudice in order for all children to grow and flourish. All rooms and outside areas are maintained to the highest safety levels and designed to give a warm and friendly atmosphere; enabling children to grow in all areas of development. We pride ourselves on high levels of communication with families as they know their children best, ensuring that we are delivering a positive service for all. This two-way communication will ensure that families and staff are fully informed of the child’s development and progress enabling us to support each child.
We are a registered charity and not for profit, with all fees going back into the setting. We have been established since 2003.
Here at Dots n Spots we have three buildings on our site. All buildings have an electronic door security system installed as well as secure electric gated entry onto the outdoor area and buildings with phone links to the main building and office area. Cameras are installed on entry areas. This ensures that only authorised people can access the building and children’s areas, maintaining high levels of safety at all times.
Our opening hours are 07:30 until 18:00 Monday - Friday.
We are open 51 weeks a year, closing on Bank Holidays and at Christmas which we do not charge for.
We welcome parents/carers to come and view Dots n Spots. Please book in for a show around of our setting with the office on 01287 654930.
We ask visitors to avoid the hours between 11:00 - 13:00.
One of our team will guide the tour of the nursery, this will include an insight into the day to day running of the nursery, the nursery layout, the different structure of the nursery rooms and the services we provide. At this point, you will be given our nursery welcome pack which includes our registration form, consents & operational policy. During the tour, we will discuss the individual needs of you and your child in order to provide the services you require. If you feel Dots n Spots is the nursery for you a booking can be made which includes our £10.00 registration fee.
Once the booking has been made we can discuss an appropriate starting date and settling in sessions. We feel that these sessions will benefit you and your child by making the transition to the setting easier. On the first session, you and your child will be introduced to your Key-worker (this is a designated member of staff that will work closely with you and your child throughout their time within this room) and any other relevant staff members. Before the first settling in sessions we will ask you to complete an “All about me” form which will include all details of your child e.g. allergies, medical conditions, routines and dietary requirements. Every child’s needs are different therefore, we will discuss with you the required amount of sessions needed. We recommend settling in visits two weeks before your child's start date and allow children to stay for up to 1 hour per visit free of charge.
Here at Dots n Spots we take great care to treat each individual as a person in their own right, with equal rights and responsibilities to any other individual, whether they are an adult or a child. We are committed to providing equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice for all children and families according to their individual needs. Discrimination on the grounds of gender, age, race, religion or belief, marriage or civil partnership, disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity, ethnic or national origin, or political belief has no place within Dots n Spots.
A commitment to implementing our inclusion and equality policy will form part of each employee’s job description. Should anyone believe that this policy is not being upheld, it is their duty to report the matter to the attention of a manager at the earliest opportunity.
Dots n Spots is accessible to all children and families in the local community and further afield through a comprehensive and inclusive admissions policy.
We will strive to ensure that all services and projects are accessible and relevant to all groups and individuals in the community within targeted age groups.
Early learning opportunities offered here encourage children to develop positive attitudes to people who are different from themselves. It encourages children to empathise with others and to begin to develop the skills of critical thinking.
* Making children feel valued and good about themselves
* Ensuring that all children have equal access to early learning and play opportunities
* Reflecting the widest possible range of communities in the choice of resources
* Avoiding stereotypical or derogatory images in the selection of materials
* Acknowledging and celebrating a wide range of religions, beliefs and festivals
* Creating an environment of mutual respect and empathy
* Helping children to understand that discriminatory behaviour and remarks are unacceptable
* Ensuring that all early learning opportunities offered are inclusive of children with learning difficulties and/or disabilities and children from disadvantaged backgrounds
* Ensuring that children whose first language is not English have full access to the early learning opportunities and are supported in their learning.
We would start the admissions process by having an initial meeting with the parents/carers to find out all relevant information and specific need requirements. The meeting may then result in the nursery contacting other professionals involved with the family to gather further information or arranging another meeting with parent/carers, professionals involved and nursery. Once we have a clear outline of what the families’ requirements and needs are we will endeavour to adapt the setting with reasonable adjustments if needed, make sure staff have relevant training and move forward with a start date.
To all the staff at Dots n Spots,
I would just like to thank you all for not only doing a great job looking after Jack but for becoming his second family. He has been really happy coming here and has grown into a polite helpful clever little boy which is down to you all.

Jack's Mummy & Daddy
To all at Dots n Spots for taking such lovely care of George for the last two years. Knowing he is happy and well looked after makes leaving him whilst we work so much easier.

George's Mummy & Daddy
To all the staff at Dots n Spots,
Thank you for being part of our family. You have all played an important part of Eden's journey in life. As he starts his next chapter at school we cherish all you have done. You are all amazing and we will miss you.